If you need to assign a hazardous or dangerous job to a contractor and you'd like them to complete and submit a permit beforehand, this is available within the Fixflo system.

Amending Your Settings

Administrator users will be able to amend your settings. Please click here to read about user roles and permissions.

If you go to Setup > Setting > Issue settings and look under the 'General' tab, you'll see the 'Enable permit to work process'. You will want to ensure that the setting is set to 'Yes':

Once this has been enabled, you'll be able to send off your permit when you're instructing a job to a contractor. Contractors won't be able to progress the issue until they've submitted the permit.

Instructing Contractors

When instructing works to contractors, there will be an additional section which you will be prompted to fill in:

You will use the drop down available to select either yes or no. 

If you select 'Yes' then you will need to upload the permit:

What The Contractor Sees

When the contractor logs onto the system they will see that their next step on the 'Next step' tab is to complete the permit before they can add an appointment date.

When they click on 'Permit to work' they will see the following pop up:

Once they have uploaded the completed permit to work and pressed confirm they will be able to add an appointment time and date and progress the issue.

As mentioned previously, this will need to be completed before they can continue to progress the issue.