Industry type - Lettings

Available with - Essentials

If previously agreed beforehand, there may be an option for payments to be made via non-direct debit payment methods. Please reach out to our Support team if you have any questions. 

How does this work?

  • The contractor network submits their costs within Fixflo
  • The invoice has a unique reference as the invoice number 
  • The invoice will also have a sort code and account number on
  • Payment needs to be made using the sort code, account number and unique reference number
  • If you are asked for an account name, please provide "Fixflo"

What if the person paying the invoice doesn't use Fixflo?

That’s not a problem. You can set an email address which all Marketplace invoices will be sent to. The invoice will be emailed as soon as it’s submitted into Fixflo. To set the email address, go to Contractor marketplace -> Settings -> 'Send bank wire emails to'.

What if the agency wants to charge a work’s management?

Simply set the your agency’s works management fee against the contractor network. To do this, log into the Agency via Admin. Go to Contractor Marketplace -> Networks and click 'Edit setup' against the relevant network. 

How does this appear on the invoice?

Two invoices will be created in Fixflo for each job. 

One will show a breakdown of the costs (labour, materials, work’s management fee) and does not have payment details on. This invoice serves as a record of what was done, for the agent. 

The second invoice will have a total cost on, with no breakdown. The total cost incorporates the work’s management fee. This is the invoice which should be sent to the landlord, and this invoice includes the payment instructions.

How does this appear on the invoice?

Landlord facing invoices - inclusive of Works Management Fee:

Agency invoice - including breakdown: