There will be the occasions where you may need to create several issues within Fixflo at once that you will want to raise. These issues can range from reactive issues such as a broken window or they can be planned works such as EICRs and Gas Safety Certificates.
If you need to Batch create an issue what you'll need to do is click Create Issue > Batch Create Issues
From here you'll be taken to a section where you will need to select which properties you would like to raise the issues at. All that you will need to do is click on the 'Add' button once you have selected the property you wish to raise the issues at:
To keep progressing the batch creation of the issues you need to click on Next.
You will then be taken to a a reporting page similar to the ones your occupiers would report their issues from. From here you'll need to select which issue you would like to batch create by selecting the icon relating to the issue you wish to raise:
For those on Fixflo Essential, you will easily be able to create batch issues relating to your planned works by simply clicking on planned works and selecting the planned works to be carried out e.g. EICRs, PAT Test and Gas Safety Certificates.
After this you will need to select your contractor that you wish to complete the works. Please note you are only able to select one contractor to complete all the works. So once you have selected a contractor, they will be attached to all your batch created issues.
Towards the end of the creation of the issues you will be asked to add any additional information and whether or not the occupier presence is required:
After this is done you will get a message summarising all the information relating to issues you are creating as well as how long it will take to create these issues. To complete the creation all you need to do is click on complete:
Once you've pressed complete you will see a list of the issues you have batched created. You can tell when an issue has been batch created as it will have via Batch beside the issue raised date:
If you are on Fixflo Essential and you wish to save time on batch creating issues as well as staying on top of your planned maintenance works it may be best to have a look at Fixflo Professional. With Fixflo Professional you can keep track of whether your properties are compliant or not based on the service events that need to be carried out, upload and store necessary certificates or other documents for each property and then specify when documents or certificates expire. In addition to this you can create the service events to self instruct so you no longer need to batch create issues. You can find out more about Fixflo Professional by taking a look at this article here.