To view our guide on how to set up the integration between Fixflo and Re-Leased, please click here.

The account type that you have in Fixflo will determine how you interact with tasks in Re-Leased:

Fixflo Basic
A Basic subscription to Fixflo provides you with limited capability for processing reported issues, so it is likely most users will use Re-Leased for processing tasks. Once a maintenance task has been created in Re-Leased, you will have full access to all features of the Re-Leased maintenance workflow. Any images attached to the reported issue, as well as the auto-generated job report sheet from Fixflo, will be attached to the task created in Re-Leased.

Fixflo Professional and Fixflo Essentials
A subscription to either of the two accounts provides you with the extended suite of functionality within Fixflo, so issues do not need to be processed in Re-Leased. Fixflo issues can be recorded in Re-Leased for reference and reporting purposes only, so you will have read-only ability for all tasks that are created through the integration.
You can easily access the Fixflo issue from within the Re-Leased task by clicking the link provided. If an issue is closed in Fixflo, the Re-Leased task will also be closed during the next sync.

Matching Properties

During a sync, Re-Leased will create a new task for all newly reported issues in Fixflo. It will use the address entered in the issue to identify the property to create the issue against, so the address in both systems must be identical in order for them to be matched.
If a match cannot be found, an email notification will be sent to your Fixflo Manager so they can correct any issues and ensure a match during the next sync.

If an issue has been closed in Fixflo, the Re-Leased task will also be updated and closed during the next sync.
Once a sync has completed and a task has been created successfully, the Fixflo Manager will receive an email notification to alert them to the new maintenance task.

Please feel free to view this video produced by Re-Leased on using the Fixflo Professional/Essentials and Re-Leased systems together. Please note however, this video is a little dated!