Fixflo integrates with Acquaint CRM, allowing you to sync landlord, property, occupier and contractor data from Acquaint into Fixflo (Essentials and Professional only). In addition, maintenance requests raised via Fixflo will be synced back into your Acquaint instance, providing full visibility of completed works. 

For information on how the integration works, please click here.


Integration configuration - all plans

To configure this integration, please follow the below steps. It is anticipated that the configuration may take 2-3 weeks to complete, so please be patient with both parties:

1) An Administrator Fixflo user will need to get an authentication token from your Fixflo account. This can be completed via Setup > Integrations

At the top of the page, select 'Add token' and enter 'ACQUAINT' into the 'App Id' field. Please note this is case sensitive so must be written as 'ACQUAINT'. 

Once you hit 'Add', the token will generate:

2) Keep this tab open, as you will need to reference the 'Agency custom domain field' in a minute.

In the meantime, use the copy icon to copy the token from Fixflo. Take this to your Acquaint system, where you can click via File > 3rd Party Integrations > Fixflo Authentication.

Here, paste your token and your account URL (agency custom domain). You will also need to select your Fixflo 'Account type' - if you are unsure of any of these pieces, please contact our support team.

Should you experience any error message when clicking save, please contact Fixflo support for assistance.

Integration configuration - Fixflo Essentials and Fixflo Professional

Please follow the two-step process above to configure the integration. 

Once this is configured, a background process will run every hour to sync data from Acquaint into Fixflo. This covers:

- Properties

- Tenants/Occupiers

- Contractors

- Landlords

To avoid duplication, Acquaint will attempt to match with records that may already exist in Fixflo. Please note, it may be that some duplicate properties are created during this process. If this is the case, refer to the property merging guide for assistance with fixing this.

It is important therefore that Acquaint is your source of truth; any data that needs changing should be actioned in Acquaint and thus synced to Fixflo. To aid this, it is recommended that you review the User Roles and Permissions available on Fixflo, and remove permissions to edit data as required.

For a full explanation of how the integrations works, please click here.