Industry type - Lettings

Available with - Basic

Fixflo integrates with Arthur so that tenants can report maintenance issues via the Arthur Tenant Portal using a Fixflo iFrame plugin. This allows a streamlined reporting process for your tenants, and all job information is then synced into the Arthur software to progress as required.


Setting up the integration
Please click below depending on the existing software you use:

Existing Arthur clients

If you are an existing Arthur client but not yet a Fixflo client, you can set up the integration within the Arthur platform under the 'Arthur Store':

Simply confirm the subscription as required, and your Fixflo agency will automatically be created. This will trigger an alert to the team at Fixflo who will be in touch.

Existing Fixflo clients

For existing Fixflo clients, you can configure the Arthur integration once you have purchased an Arthur subscription.

Move over to your Arthur portal and locate the Fixflo app within their store; here, select "I'm already a Fixflo customer":

A pop-up will require two pieces of information:

- Agency ID - this is held in Fixflo within Integrations > Tokens
- Agency custom domain - this is held in the same location as above, and will be in the format 

Once those two entities are entered, you will be prompted to enter your Fixflo authentication token into Arthur to complete the integration:

To generate this token, please navigate to Fixflo and click via Integrations > Tokens. Click 'Add token' and enter 'ARTHUR':

Do note this is case-sensitive!

Please don't forget; as you now have a tenant reporting tool in Arthur, you will no longer need to promote your Fixflo reporting URL to occupiers. Please ask the Arthur team for assistance with this.

If you require any help configuring the integration, please contact our support team.

How the integration works

Once the integration is configured, your tenants can use their Arthur Tenant Portal to view previously raised maintenance jobs, as well as report new jobs as necessary. This is configured using an iFrame embedded into the portal, allowing users to seamlessly raise maintenance requests using Fixflo's reporting functionality:

Once the tenant raises these jobs, they will appear on the issues index page on the Arthur tenant app, and will be visible against the tenancy in the 'Tasks' tab on the agent side of the software, allowing you to progress the job as required.