Fixflo integrates with Zapier so that any repair and maintenance issues created in Fixflo can be pushed using 'Zaps' into other applications. In addition, you can also zap on issue status change (Fixflo Essentials and Professional only).
Setting up the integration
To set up the integration, you will need to find the Domain and Authentication Token for your Fixflo site.
Please login to your Fixflo system as an Administrator user and click Integrations > Tokens:
At the top of the page, you will be able to 'Add token' - in 'App Id' enter 'ZAPIER' and then click 'Add':
You will then be given an authentication token - please find an example below:
You'll then need to click here to get invited to use Fixflo on Zapier; scroll down and select 'Accept Invite & Build a Zap".
You can decide what you'd like your Zap to do in terms of the trigger event ('Issue added' or 'Issue status changed'). You'll be prompted to enter your Fixflo sub-domain / URL, which is - please note you won't need to add the '' part. Please paste the authentication token you generated in order to complete the section of setting up Fixflo on Zapier.
Once that is complete, you can continue creating your Zap so that it notifies whichever software you're configuring!