Industry type - all

Available with - Essentials

On Fixflo, you are able to link issues together. This may be useful if you want to group any connected issues. For example, an occupier may report a leak in their property, and also mould on the walls as a result of this. 

Within one issue, click the Related tab > 'Linked issues' and click 'Add related issue': 

On the Next steps tab of each issue, it will now be highlighted that there is a linked issue that has been flagged by an agent: 

This makes it easy to toggle between the linked issues and deal with them appropriately. Please note however, each issue will still need to be progressed and invoiced separately. 

Another way to group issues together is to create Projects. Please note this is only available if you're using Fixflo Manager. For more information of how Projects work, please read our guide here and reach out to or your account manager if you have any questions.