Industry type - all

Available with - Professional

Click here to enrol for a free course on planned maintenance 

On Fixflo you have the ability to filter out your service events by a number of entities, including which landlord is associated to the service event.

If you would like to see which service events are on your Fixflo site associated to a particular landlord you can do so by clicking on 'Planned maintenance' > 'Service events': 

Once here you need to open the filters towards the top of the page where you are able to search: 

You can now see all of the filters available for you. 

One of the filters in this list is 'Landlord'. If you would like to see all service events for a particular landlord then you can search for the landlord on this filter and then click 'Search':

As part of our Contractor Marketplace service, we have partnered with contractor networks that can perform different service events for your agency, helping you stay compliant. Please find more information in this guide.