It is important to stay on top of your data, ensuring you deactivate relevant entities when they are no longer required. This allows you to be confident that the data in Fixflo is accurate, and can therefore be reported upon as necessary.
In order to aid this process, the ability to bulk deactivate properties (including Units if on a Block or BTR/PRS system) and people - occupiers, landlords, contractors and leaseholders - exists for all Administrator users (see guide here on user roles and permissions).
Bulk deactivating people profiles
The functionality to bulk deactivate people profiles works across the various people groups (contractors, occupiers etc).
It is recommended that you first of all filter your relevant data-set as required using the drop-down filters offered within the system:
From there, you can use the Options button > Bulk archive:
Simply select the entities you'd like to archive - or use the All results button - and use hit Bulk archive to process this. You'll be asked to confirm you wish to take this action, and the entities will then archive:
Bulk deactivating property profiles
The ability to bulk deactivate properties is held within the property results list. It is recommended you first of all use the drop-down filter to locate the desired properties you would like to deactivate (this same functionality is in place for Block/BTR clients using Properties > Units):
From there, use the Options button > Bulk actions. Here, you can select all results or the specific properties you'd like to deactivate and use the button as necessary. You'll be asked to confirm you wish to take this action, and the entities will then deactivate for you: