Fixflo integrates with Propco so that any repair and maintenance issues created in Fixflo can be pushed back into Propco. This allows you to keep a complete maintenance record for your tenancies and produce more accurate reports.

Setting up the integration

Please login to your Fixflo system as an Administrator user and click Integrations > Tokens: 

At the top of the page, you will be able to 'Add token' - in 'App Id' enter 'PROPCO' and then click 'Add':

You will then be given an authentication token - please find an example below:  

To complete the setup of the integration, you will need to contact Propco with the below details:

  • Your Authentication Token
  • Your Fixflo Domain / URL

If you come across any error messages when attempting to create your authentication token then please contact our support team.

How the integration works

Issues reported via Fixflo will be pushed into the Workflow space screen in Propco. If you click Action Workflow Item, this will bring up the first form of the workflow, which will contain information the reporting occupier has inputted in Fixflo. 

You will then be able to action as normal, and progress the issue as required (if using Fixflo Basic):

If the report has been successfully matched to a property record in Propco, the right-hand bar will appear (as above). If it has not linked the issue to a property in Propco, it will be logged under No Branch.

If the matched property is incorrect, you can re-assign the property using the option below: