Fixflo integrates with Kaptur (also owning No Letting Go, depending on who is carrying out works orders) so that any repair and maintenance issues flagged in Kaptur reports can be pushed into Fixflo to action. This allows you quickly and efficiently go about your inventories and action any repairs off the back of them.

Setting up the integration

To set up the integration, you will need to find the Domain and Authentication Token for your Fixflo site. 
Log in to your Fixflo site and go to Setup > Integrations:

Then click Add Token:

Enter 'KAPTUR' in the App Id field and click add. Please note, this is case sensitive and does not accept other characters, so this must be written as KAPTUR.

An Authentication Token will then be generated for you:

Now that you have your authentication token, you will need to apply it into your Kaptur software. Please login to Kaptur, select 'Clients' from your dashboard and click on the client record you wish to apply the integration on (in most cases, there is only one client record). Within here, set the 'Enable Fixflo' flag to 'Yes'.

This will generate a Fixflo tab for you, where you can provide the relevant information:

  • Your Authentication Token
  • Your Fixflo Domain / URL

The integration works by pulling through the information from the submitted Kaptur inventory report into your Fixflo system. 

If you need any assistance with this integration, please contact your account manager at Kaptur.