Industry type - all

Available with - Essentials

On the left-hand navigation panel, Administrator users will have an 'Integrations' tab. This allows you to configure and monitor integrations between your Fixflo system and a third-party software. 


Integration log

For certain integrations, an 'Integration log' tab will be available to allow Administrator users to troubleshoot entity syncs. These are:

To use the log, simply take the reference of the entity (eg property or person) from your third-party software, enter it within the 'External ref' field:

This will allow you to see whether or not the entity has been successful in syncing from your software into Fixflo, and a message explaining why it may not have been successful.

If you have any queries on how best to use the integration log in Fixflo, please reach out to our support team by raising a ticket for additional support.

Available integrations

Syncing your Fixflo site with one of our integration partners can be incredibly beneficial to you and your team as it removes the need to add information from one system to another, as this is then done for you. 

We integration with a number of companies and it is important to highlight that some integrations are more advanced than others. 

In order to find all of the integrations available to you simply click on 'Integrations' > 'Available integrations'. From here you can see all of our partners in alphabetical order and this list can easily be filtered out on the right hand side of the screen: 

In order to find out more about the integration simply click on the desired one and a pop up will display for you. From here you will be able to read a bit more about how the integration works - some of these pop ups will even include a short video. 

By clicking on 'Find out more' you will be taken to another article with information on how to set this up:


This is the location where you will add your integration token (this is part of the set-up). In order to find out more about how to generate the correct token for your integration, please find the specific article on our

Authentication tokens are either then plugged into the partner software, or used by the Fixflo team to configure the integration. 

If you are trying to generate and authentication token and it is not working as expected, please raise a ticket with our support team for more assistance.


For some integrations, a webhook will be present. Webhooks act as a way of sending data from Fixflo into a third party software, and are triggered automatically depending on events that happen (ie issue status changes). 


Please note that as part of the configuration, we will add the webhook for you. 

If you click on a webhook item within this tab, you will be taken to an edit webhook screen - please do not edit the details of the webhook unless instructed!

You can also navigate to two other tabs; 'Recent deliveries' and 'Recent failures':

The deliveries tab allows you to click into specific webhook slings on issues, and view both the 'Request' tab (information being sent from Fixflo into another software) and the 'Response' tab of the third party. This is where you can see all of the information the webhook is providing - it will encompass all of the issue detail, as well as information provided later in the workflow (eg invoice document, completion details etc). 

The failures tab allows you to view webhooks that have failed. This can happen for various reasons, so provides information such as the error code itself, as well as error details: 

Users can configure these errors to be emailed to them weekly, showing the failures from the last week if necessary.

Should you have any queries about webhooks or associated errors, please raise a ticket with our support team for assistance.