Industry type - all

Available with - Professional

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There may be times when you as an agent have created a service event template that may have possibly been duplicated from one we have on Fixflo or it may be that you no longer offer this service event anymore more. You have the ability to remove these events and ensure that they are no longer being run on your Fixflo site. 

To remove a service event template you'll need to go to Planned Maintenance > Event Templates

Once here you have the ability to view all the service event templates you have on your Fixflo site. You'll now need to click through to the service event you wish to delete. After you've clicked through on the service event you'll see you have the ability to delete the service event.: 

After you've clicked deleted, a pop-up will appear asking to confirm the deletion of the service event. 

Once clicking confirm has been done, the service event will be deleted. The result will be different if the service event template is attached to property already.

If the event template is already used you will get the option to click through onto a list of service events that are already using the template:

Clicking through will then show you the list of events that are using the template, which should look similar to the below:

You will then need to click through to the service event and click the delete button toward the bottom of the service event. It will then ask you to delete this event and future events. 

 To delete all of them select 'This and future events.

After this is done you can go back to the event template and delete it. 

As part of our Contractor Marketplace service, we have partnered with contractor networks that can perform different service events for your agency, helping you stay compliant. Please find more information in this guide.