What Emails Are Sent From Fixflo?

Modified on Fri, 28 Feb at 12:16 PM

Industry type - Lettings

Available with - Essentials

Your Fixflo will automatically generate some emails, during the process of progressing issues through various workflows. The purpose of this guide is to outline exactly what all of these emails are, including a brief description, when they're sent, whether they're editable and what they look like.

Please note, all of the emails below are from a system with a Fixflo logo. Emails are white-labelled, meaning they will have your logo attached.

We hope this is useful, but should you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!

This guide will cover:

Emails to Contractors

There are 9 instances in which a Contractor would receive an email from Fixflo. These are outlined below:

Email TypeCalendar Event Invite
Description: This email allows the contractor to add the estimated completion date to their calendar and progress the issue.
Sent upon: 
The contractor booking in an appointment time

Email TypeQuote Rejected
Description: The email informs the contractor that the job has been allocated to a different contractor and their quote was unsuccessful this time.
Sent upon: 
The assignment of that issue to a different contractor, after declining the quote


Email TypeJob Instructed
Description: The email informs the contractor that they have been allocated a job and they are asked to book an appointment in. This will include a PDF job sheet with all job details.
Sent upon: Sent once the agent either approves the quote provided by the contractor or instructs to them straight away
Editable: NO

Email Type: Summary Email
Description: A summary email outlining all of the outstanding tasks that the contractor has. This includes reminders about any certification/documents that are required.
Sent upon: 
 On a daily basis - by default 8am Monday - Friday

Email TypeWelcome Email
Description: The email invites the contractor to set up their own Fixflo account and provides them with training materials to get up and running with Fixflo
Sent upon: 
Adding a contractor to the system manually, or choosing to send out the welcome email if contractors have been imported.

Email TypeNew Comment
Description: Email received by any party which contains the comment that has been sent and basic details about the open issue
Sent upon: 
Commenting from one party to another e.g agent to contractor, contractor to occupier

Email TypeAppointment Confirmation
Description: The email informs the contractor that the occupier has agreed to their proposed appointment date (where the occupier has requested to be present at the property when works are carried out).
Sent upon: The occupier accepting the suggested date

Email TypeAppointment Declined
Description: The email informs the contractor that the occupier has rejected the proposed time and prompts them to reschedule.
Sent upon: Rejection of the appointment by the occupier

Email Type: Quote Invitation
Description: This email informs the contractor that they’ve been asked to provide a quotation.
Sent upon: request by the agent


Email Type: Attaching an invoice to an issue through the contractor invoice feature is successful
Description: This email informs the contractor that the invoice they have sent through their unique Fixflo contractor email has been accepted
Sent upon: The contractor sending an invoice through the Fixflo contractor invoice feature

Email Type: Attaching an invoice to an issue through the contractor invoice feature has failed
Description: This email informs the contractor that the invoice they have sent through their unique Fixflo contractor email has not been accepted
Sent upon: The contractor sending an invoice through the Fixflo contractor invoice feature

Emails to Landlords

Your landlords will receive emails from your system, but only when you request something from them or specifically action an email to them (for example the welcome email):

Email TypeWelcome Email 
Description: The email invites the landlord to set up their own Fixflo account and links them out to relevant training materials. 
Sent upon: 
The adding of a landlord to the system manually, or when bulk sending out welcome emails after landlords have been imported

Email TypeFeedback Request
Description: This email lets the occupier or landlord know that they are requested to leave feedback on an issue that has just been marked as complete by a contractor/agent.
Sent upon: 
When a job has been marked complete
Editable: No


Email TypeNew Comment
Description: Email received by any party which contains the comment that has been sent and basic details about the open issue
Sent upon: 
When an agent sends a comment to the landlord or a landlord sends a comment to the agent

Email TypeReview Quotes
Description: The email informs the landlord that they have a quote to review
Sent upon: Quote approval request by the agent
Editable: No

Email TypeIssue Assigned to Landlord
Description: The email forwards the details of the issue to the landlord, assigning them the next steps and treating them as a contractor.
Sent upon: The agent allocating the issue to the landlord
Editable: No

Email TypeLandlord Advice is Requested
Description: The email informs the landlord that the agency has requested their advice and instructions on how to proceed with the issue
Sent upon: Action on the agent’s side
Editable: No

Emails to Agents

As an agent, you will receive emails regarding issues; these are really helpful so that you don't miss any key information! However, you are able to amend your email notifications as desired; check our guide here:

Email TypeWeekly Usage Email
Description: By default agents are sent this email every Monday morning with an update of their weekly usage stats.
Sent upon: 
Sent every Monday morning unless the notification has been turned off on their profile

Email Type: New Agent Email
Description: This email is sent out when a new agent is added to the team
Sent upon: 
Adding of a new agent to a Fixflo system

Email TypeAuthorisation Exceeded

Description: If an issue has a work authorisation limit in place and the job gets instructed anyway with a quote exceeding it, the agency will be notified
Sent upon: action on the contractor’s side
Editable: NO

Email TypeExported File
Description: If an agent wants to export a report from their account, but the volume is over 10,000 rows, they will receive this email with a link to download it as soon as it is ready.
Sent upon: 
Request to export large reports


Email TypeNew Issue Reported
Description: The email contains a summary of the reported issue and invites the agent to proceed with the next steps
Sent upon: 
The raising of an issue by an occupier

Email TypeNew Comment
Description: Email received by any party which contains the comment that has been sent and basic details about the open issue. This can be switched off if required
Sent upon: 
When a comment is received by a contractor, a landlord, an occupier or an external user

Email TypeIssue Closed
Description: An email that includes a PDF copy of the contractor's invoice
Sent upon: 
Upon closing an issue, an agent has the option to send this to a specific email address. This is not automated.

Email TypeIssue Pdf
Description: The PDF is attached to every email reporting an issue and contains all the details of the problem occurring at the property, including photos if the occupier has added any.
Sent upon: 
The raising of an issue

Email TypeService Event Series Ending
Description: The email reminder an agent gets when a service event e.g a Gas Safety that has been scheduled against a property is reaching its end date (usually linked to end of management of the property)
Sent upon: 
The end date associated with the service event

Email TypeService Event Review
Description: This email lets the reviewing agent know that the service event requires review
Sent upon: 
When the issue associated with a service event has been closed


Email TypeIssue Assignment
Description: This email is sent upon assignment of an issue to an agent and contains a PDFwith a summary of the issue details, including the details of the occupier(s) 
Sent upon: When a new issue is assigned or re-assignment of an existing one to a different agent
Editable: No

Email TypeQuotes Received
Description: The email informs the agency that they have received one of the quotes on an open issue
Sent upon: Receipt of an individual quote by a contractor


Email TypeQuotes Received
Description: The email informs the agency that they have received all of the requested quotes on that issue
Sent upon: Receipt of all quotes by all contractors

Email TypeIssue Ready For Closure
Description: The email lets the agency know that the issue is now ready to be closed
Sent upon: Contractor marking the job as complete/occupier submitting feedback about the issue
Editable: No

Email TypeContractor Certification Uploaded
Description: The email lets the agency know that a contractor has uploaded a certificate they have to review.
Sent upon: The upload of a certificate by a contractor

Email TypeLandlord Quote Approval
Description: The email informs the agency that the landlord (or another party) has reviewed the quotes
Sent upon: Quote reviews have been actioned by another party as requested
Editable: No

Email TypeLandlord Advice Received
Description: The email informs the agency that the landlord has submitted their feedback and instructions on how to proceed with the issue
Sent upon: Action on the landlord’s side
Editable: No

Email TypeQuotation Period Extended
Description: This email informs the agent assigned to the issue that the period for the quotes to be submitted has been extended
Sent upon: Action on the agent side

Email TypeContractor Declined Job
Description:  This email lets the agency know that the contractor has declined a job.
Sent upon: 
Taken by the contractor after they have been awarded the job.

 Email TypeService Event has not been instructed.
Description:  This email lets the agency know that the service event requires manual instruction. 
Sent upon: 


Email TypeProperty deactivated with issues still open and instructed to the Contractor Marketplace

Description: If a property is deactivated while there still are open issues assigned to contractor networks, this notification will remind the assigned agent (or the central email address if the issue is unassigned) to cancel the job or update the contractor via the Comments section
Sent upon: When the property is deactivated either because of an integration or manually.
Editable: NO

Emails to Occupiers

Email Type: Welcome Email
The email welcomes the occupier when added to their Fixflo account and invites them to set up their own account.
Sent upon: 
When ‘Send welcome email’ is pressed on an occupier profile or bulk welcome emails are sent out
Editable: YES


Email Type: Occupier Issue Confirmation
Description: This email is sent to the occupier after they raise an issue with a confirmation summary of it and a PDF attachment with the details of the issue.
Sent upon: The submission of an issue
Editable: YES

Email Type: Job Awarded to a Contractor 

Description: The email informs the occupier that a contractor has been instructed works.

Sent upon: Job instruction to contractor.

Editable: No


Email Type: Contractor Appointment Proposal
Description: The email informs the occupier that the contractor has proposed an appointment date to carry out the works which they can accept or reject (they are wanting to be present when work is carried out).
Sent upon: The request for an appointment date has been booked in on the contractor’s end.
Editable: No


Email Type: Occupier Appointment Confirmation Email

Description: This email informs the occupier of the time and date that the contractor will be attending their property (the option ‘Agreed with occupier’ has been selected by the contractor and/or they have not requested to be present when works are carried out).

Sent upon: When a contractor books in their appointment time

Editable: NO



Email TypeAppointment is due shortly 
Description: This email informs the occupier that a contractor is due to vist the property during the date and time selected.
Sent upon: 
Sent as a reminder to the occupier before the contractor is due to visit the site.

Email Type: New Comment
Description: Email received by all parties containing the comments linked to an open issue
Sent upon: Contractor to occupier or agent to the occupier
Editable: No

Email Type: Property certificate added

Description: The email informs the occupier that a certificate document has been added to their property, which they can view attached to the email or by following a link to all their property documents.

Sent upon: The completion of a service event that has an occupier added to the issue (this setting can be amended in the event template).

Editable: No


Manually triggered emails

Email TypeLandlord FYI Email
Description: This email sends a summary of the issue’s status to the landlord, together with a PDF reporting the details of the issue
Sent upon: Request, from the action panel of the issue
Editable: No - the details will change depending on the status of the issue

Email TypeExternal User FYI Email
Description: This email sends a summary of the issue’s status to the external user, together with a PDF reporting the details of the issue
Sent upon: Request, from the action panel of the issue
Editable: No - the details will change depending on the status of the issue

Email TypeAll Parties FYI
Description: A summary gets sent to all parties, including a summary of the issue (see #40) and the external users receive a notification saying that action has been taken on it.
Sent upon: Request, from the action panel of the issue
Editable: No - the details in the PDF will change depending on the status of the issue

Email TypeLandlord - Summary
Description: This email includes the next steps to be taken by the landlord if necessary or outlines the steps already taken on the issue, together with a PDF summary with all of the information re the issue.
Sent upon: Request, from the action panel of the issue
Editable: No -the details will change depending on the status of the issue

Email Type:  Contractor - Summary
Description: This email includes the next steps to be taken by the contractor and a PDF job sheet with all of the information re the issue.
Sent upon: Request, from the action panel of the issue
Editable: No -the details will change depending on the status of the issue

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