You can change the email address you receive reports of new issues to, and you can also add new email addresses that you want to get notified. This ensures that you are aware of new issues getting reported via your Fixflo instance.

To do this login to your Fixflo system and click on 'Setup'> 'Settings' from your side menu. You will need to be an Administrator user to access this. Please click here to better understand User Roles and Permissions. 

Under 'Settings', click on the second tab entitled 'Email settings'.

You can then amend the 'Central Email Address' field with your chosen email address. This is a required field.

You can also add any email addresses that need to receive notifications in the 'CC email address' field. These accounts will be copied into any correspondence. 

Please ensure that you separate each email on the 'CC email address' field on a separate line and add a semi-colon after each email address.

There are a couple of basic settings that affect where new issue emails will be sent.

  • Central email address - This is the main email address that new issue reports are sent to. This field is required and must be populated by a valid email address.
  • CC email address - New issue reports may be sent to multiple additional email addresses for other individuals that may be associated or need to be kept in the loop. Simply enter the additional email addresses in this field. Enter each additional email address on a separate line.

Ensure you click the 'Save' button to ensure any changes are saved. 

Please note that your central reporting email address (and any CC'd email addresses) can be overridden if any postcode allocation rules have been put in place.

Fixflo Professional and Essential - Additional notes

  • This email address (and any CC email addresses) might also be overridden if you have any properties, landlords or postcodes assigned to an agent or team. Check out our guide on assignment here for more information. 
  • If you would like to learn more about issue assignment then please sign up to Fixflo Academy and select the free 'Agent & Team Assignment Course'. 
  • The email address(es) linked to the assigned agent/team will also be used for further correspondence relating to the issue on Fixflo Professional/Essentials.