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If you need to add a new team member to your Fixflo account you can create an Agent profile for them from within your Fixflo system.

Login and go to 'People' >'Agents' on the left-hand side of your screen.

Then simply click on 'Add new Agent'.

You can now add all of the agents detail to their profile.

You can make the user an Admin if you want them to be able to amend your settings, content and have the ability to create other users. Select the Administrator profile from the field entitled 'Role'. For more information on User Roles And Permissions, please click here.

When you have completed the user's details click on 'Save'. A welcome email will be sent to the agent allowing them to create a password and they will then be able to login.

Please ensure the email address you add is accurate and valid. Before an agent can log in they will need to create a password.

If you wish to change the agent's initials display you can do so by going to the agent's profile and clicking on their initial badge. You can see an example of this below: 

Please note, creating a new agent user will not automatically mean they start receiving issue reports. This will need to be setup via Setup > Settings > Contact settings, or via Setting Up Agent Assignment.

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