Industry type - all

Available with - Essentials

If an appointment is missed, this can be easily tracked on Fixflo. 

Appointments can be marked as missed by yourself (the agent), the occupier or the person who was instructed the job - the landlord or contractor. 

To mark an appointment as missed you can easily click into an issue which is at the issue status 'Awaiting job completion', go to the 'Appointments' tab and select that this has been missed: 

You will then be asked to give a reason for this missed appointment: 

If you select 'Other' you will need to give a reason for this: 

Once this has been added, this will show on the 'Audit' tab and the issue status will revert from 'Awaiting job completion' to 'Job awarded, awaiting appointment date': 

You will also be able to travel to the Appointments Tab > And identify the reason why the appointment was missed on the left-hand side of the box.

This will then allow the contractor to set a new appointment time and date.

If the occupier marks the appointment as missed then they will log into Fixflo, click onto the job, go to the 'Appointments' tab and select 'Appointment missed'. 

The options they have are below: 

Finally, if the contractor or landlord marks the appointment as missed they will see these options: 

All parties will need to provide a reason if they have selected 'Other'.

If two or more appointments are missed on the same job then the issue status will remain at the issue status 'Awaiting job completion'. 

If the contractor, or agent, has marked the appointment as missed. This information will be visible on the Next Steps tab, showing as a new bullet point under 'Current State' field, making this recognisible for all users involved in the issue.

In addition, we have the ability to filter out the issues that have had a recent missed appointment. The way to do this is by going to Issues > Issue Search > Hit the dropdown menu > Most recent appointment missed > Yes > Search

Once the appointment has been marked as missed, you will receive an email notifying you of this change: 

To better track how many appointments are being missed and the reasons why, you can download a report or get it sent regularly to your inbox by going into Reports > Search for the Missed Appointments report.

You can amend the date range to tailor the report to your needs, hit Apply and click on CSV to download it.

Alternatively click on More options to choose the frequency you would like it sent to your inbox.

On top of this, you could create a customised panel on your dashboard, that will help you to identify right away issues with missed appointments and action them accordingly. If you would like to learn more about our paid Multi-dashboard feature, please contact our support team.