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Click here to enrol in a free course on the multiple dashboard feature

The Dashboard is a key feature of Fixflo Professional and Essentials, and allows all users to have full visibility of everything going on in their system. Each agent who has their own log in has access to their very own dashboard, and can customise this by selecting from our limited list of pre-set default dashboard tiles.

Due to customers wanting to track specific metrics and KPIs that are unique to their business, we have developed an extension of our default dashboard feature - available within the Fixflo Manager package - that provides you with the ability to:

  • Create as many custom dashboards as you like, to track all key areas of your repairs and maintenance function
  • Create both private and shared dashboards, available only for yourself, or others within your company
  • Create 'custom saved searches' within your Fixflo system, which can then be turned into custom dashboard panel shortcuts (more information on this can be found here)
  • Configure your own dashboard panels, amending the title, subtext, aesthetics and more
  • Ensure that each person in your team has a dashboard that works best for them - you have the ability to select and apply a particular dashboard as a new default to specific people in your team 

Ultimately, the aim of this feature is to allow you to better customise and optimise Fixflo for your business needs. Every business works differently, has their own processes and has different KPIs and reporting requirements. Rather than us creating 100s of different dashboard tiles that still may not meet 100% of your needs, we empower you to create what works best for you!

For a full introduction to this feature please see this short video below:

If you are interested in Fixflo Manager, please reach out to our support team.