Industry type - all

Available with - all

Please note this feature is only available within Fixflo Manager. Please contact our support team or your CSM if you're interested in upgrading your Fixflo subscription.

What to consider when choosing your permission structure for this feature

  • One of the main benefits of this feature is being able to better prescribe and influence the way your team works. We therefore recommend that you don't give create or edit access to everyone (you don't want to end up with 50 dashboards that are all different and no one knows which ones are for what!)
  • The permission to view 'Shared' dashboards is not granular - if someone has this enabled they can view ALL shared dashboards and not select specific ones only.
  • If you want to set a partiucular dashboard as a default for a particular person, and only give them access to this, they will not need any of these permissions enabled.

Editing your permissions

To edit your permissions for this feature, please go to People > User Roles and click on 'Administrators' to view the applicable permissions.

Please note that Administrator permissions cannot be edited, only viewed.

There are three permissions that are applicable to this feature:

  1. Can manage saved searches: This gives the agent the ability to create, edit and delete custom saved searches which are used to create your custom dashboard tiles
  2. Can manage shared dashboards: This gives the agent full access to be able to create, edit and delete any dashboards that are not private to a specific agent
  3. Can select dashboard: This gives the agent the ability to select from a drop-down list of shared dashboards and view these. They will be unable to edit them if they do not have the above permission enabled.

You can then customise any of your other user roles to have the relevant access to this feature.