Industry type - all

Available with - Professional

Click here to enrol for a free course on planned maintenance 

Keeping your landlords in the loop on planned maintenance issues couldn't be easier! 

There is a notification setting which allows you to automatically send an email to your landlords when a planned maintenance issue is instructed. This is set to 'Send' by default. 

Please note that a planned maintenance issue is instructed on the instruction date of the service event. 

An example of this email is shown below: 

To check and amend this setting on your Fixflo site you will need to be an Administrator user. Please click here to see more information on user roles and permissions. 

You will need to click on 'Setup' >'Settings' and then select the 'Notifications' tab. From here you will need to open up 'Landlord notification defaults'. This notification is called 'Sent when a new service event issue is created'. This is set to 'Send' by default but can easily be amended. 

Please remember to press 'Save' if you make any changes. 

As part of our Contractor Marketplace service, we have partnered with contractor networks that can perform different service events for your agency, helping you stay compliant. Please find more information in this guide.