Fixflo Essentials and Professional allows you to have end-to-end property management, progressing issues through various statuses, and eventually closing them down once the job is complete.
When you close an issue down, it will remain on your system. This is useful, as it provides you with a full history of all the maintenance at the properties you manage - you can export this data at the click of a button, and can refer to closed issues within your Fixflo account as well.
Via Issues > Issue search, you will see your open issues; simply amend the filter to 'No', hit the search bar and you can see all the closed issues on your system:
You may find it easier to view closed issues at a property level. Simply click Properties in your left-hand navigation, and find the property you want. Once you've clicked onto the property profile, you will be able to see the open issues at the property, and all reactive jobs in the last 12 months. Click into the open issues tile, amend the filter to only show closed jobs and hit search:
Should you ever wish to re-open a closed issue, you can do so using the Actions button at the top of the issue itself.