For a video guide explanation on contractor certification, please click here.

In order to help you ensure all of your contractors are fully compliant with regulations, we have built a feature enabling you to request certificate documents from each contractor profile. 

Once the requested documents are attached and approved, you can set expiry dates to easily keep track of upcoming certificate renewals that may need to be chased by a member of your compliance team.

We use a traffic-light system to monitor contractor certification:

  • Red - A certificate or certificates has expired.
  • Orange - A certificate or certificates are close to expiring.
  • Green - All certification is valid.

This will be shown against each individual contractor name in your main list of contractors. You will also be able to see their compliance status when you go to request quotes or instruct works:

How To Request Contractor Certification

To request certification documents from an individual contractor, simply click via People > Contractors and select the contractor you're looking for. Once in their profile, click the Certification tab:

Here, you can select the certificates that are required for that particular contractor, as well as see the status of any that have already been requested.

Once a certificate is selected, you can upload the document on behalf of the contractor if you wish. Simply select the Add new document button, where you can upload the file, as well as adding in any relevant start and expiry dates:

In order for this document to appear in the green (compliant), you must tick the box titled 'Valid'. This is an extra step put in place to ensure contractors can't accidentally validate their own certificate documents!

If you wish to add a new certificate type, use the hyperlink provided (we've also got a guide on this here):

Reminders can be displayed and tracked via a dashboard panel titled Contractor certification compliance:

The Contractor Side

If you request a compliance document from a contractor profile, they get notified about this via email in two ways. 

Firstly, the request gets appended to any regular works email they get from the system, such as a quote request:

Secondly, the document request will also appear as a 'Task to do' in one of their daily reminder emails:

In addition to this, the contractor will also get a little notification within their system, which they can click and easily upload their certificate/document. As previously mentioned, this will then fall to you to mark as 'Valid':

Expired Certificates

If you try to assign a job or request quotes from a contractor who has an expired certificate, the below pop-up will appear alerting the agent they should use another contractor until this has been reviewed:

Depending on your User Role permissions, you may or may not able to assign a job to a contractor with expired certificates. For a guide on user role permissions, please click here.

Tracking Contractor Certification

You are also able to manage your contractors' compliance via 'People' > 'Contractor certification'.

This page allows you to view and manage all of your contractors' certifications and ensure that you are instructing jobs to compliant contractors. 

Here, you can filter by certification type, compliance status and contractor name as desired:

This page clearly shows you which contractors have certification, the status of the certification and which certificates are missing. 

You can clearly see: 

  • Valid certificates
  • Certificates which are soon to expire

  • Certificates which require validation

  • Invalid certificate, for example if it has expired or is missing

  • The contractor is not required to have the certificate in question

Clicking into any of these icons will allow you to take the next steps for the contractor.