Industry type - Lettings

Available with - All

Fixflo integrates with Gnomen so that any repair and maintenance issues created in Fixflo can be pushed back into Gnomen. This allows you to keep a complete maintenance record for your tenancies and produce more accurate reports.

Setting up the integration

Please login to your Fixflo system as an Administrator user and click Setup > Integrations: 

At the top of the page, you will be able to 'Add token' - in 'App Id' enter 'GNOMEN' and then click 'Add':

You will then be given an authentication token - please find an example below: 

To complete the setup of the integration, you need to contact with the following:

  • Your Authentication Token
  • Your Fixflo Domain / URL

If you come across any error messages when attempting to create your authentication token then please contact

The integration works by pulling through the information from the submitted Fixflo report into your Gnomen system. You will receive an email notification from Fixflo when a new issue has been reported, and this will then go into your Gnomen system.

The below screenshots give some insight into how the reported issues appear in Gnomen:

If you need any assistance with any of this, then please contact your Gnomen Account Manager.