The integration from Fixflo <> Teclet:

Fixflo integrates with Teclet so that any repair and maintenance issues created in Fixflo can be pushed back into Teclet. This allows you to keep a complete maintenance record for your tenancies and produce more accurate reports. Please check out our guide here to view how to set up the integration. 

The following information will pull across:

- The IS number

- The issue title

- The issue status

- Fault notes

- Job completion date

- Costs

Invoices will not pull across. 

The integration from Teclet <> Fixflo:

Data will sync from Teclet into Fixflo, so Teclet will become the source of truth and all of the following data must be added onto Teclet, not Fixflo. 

Data entitiesNotes
PropertiesOn the point of instruction (when the property is added to Righmove or Zoopla) the property data will sync from Teclet to Fixflo
On the point of instruction (when the property is added to Righmove or Zoopla) the landlord data will sync from Teclet to Fixflo
Occupiers/TenantsThe occupier/tenant data will sync on the date which the tenancy goes live

Each piece of data will sync every minute from Teclet to Fixflo. As such, Teclet becomes your source of truth; if you need to add a new property, this must be added to Teclet and be at the point of instruction and it will sync onto Fixflo within a minute.

In order for your Fixflo system to remain accurate with Property data, you will need to configure your settings so that occupiers can only report against properties that exist in your system. Please refer to our guide here, which outlines how to set up 'Uploaded properties only'.