To view the 2020 release notes, please click here.

Release Date 09/12/2021

Contractor 'Task to do' emails

We've moved contractor 'Task to do' emails so they now sit within specific contractor notifications. From a contractor profile, they can amend their setting to receive these emails weekly, three times a week, daily or never - you can also action this on the profile of a contractor:

Please note, we have set the default to 'Send every Monday' on all agencies.
As this is now a notification setting, you can also amend this at agency level, thus placing the setting for all contractors in your system. To do this, click via Setup > Settings > Notifications > Contractor defaults. Check out our short video here outlining how this can be actioned. 

Multiple email subjects amended

Time has been spent reviewing and re-working email titles that are sent from your Fixflo system to contractors and occupiers. These will now be in the format of [Action:] [Issue number] - [Issue title], for example:

We hope this will make it easier for these users to digest and understand what the email is regarding!

Configuring custom dashboard tiles by priority

For clients using the Fixflo multiple dashboards feature, we've heard your feedback with regards to wanting to group search results by Priority! As such, we've delivered this feature so custom panels can now be grouped by Priority as required:

This can be utilised on charts and lists as necessary.

Basic authentication deprecation

From April 2022, Fixflo will be deprecating Basic Authentication access to its API endpoints in favour of bearer token authentication. Any integrations using Basic Authentication will cease to work and will need to be migrated to bearer token authentication. Please contact our support team if you have any questions. 

Release Date 24/11/2021

Want to add pictures to your guidance and advice pop ups? We have now made this much easier!

Your guidance and advice pop ups can make such a big difference to the issues which are reported by occupiers, as they can be used to help both filter out issues which should not come through to you and help occupiers with first time fixes. 

We have now made it much easier for you to add photos onto your guidance and advice pop ups, as you can upload these directly from your device. Please see below: 

Contractors will now need to set their appointment time when they are adding an appointment time and date

When your contractors are adding an appointment time and date on Fixflo the default for the time will now be 'Not set', meaning that they will need to specify this themselves, making the appointment time more accurate. Previously this was set to 'Any', and many contractors would not amend this. 

If a service event fails to instruct, you will now be notified as to why this is

Service events are automatically instructed on the instruction date and this helps you to stay compliant with both statutory and non-statutory events. If there are any issues with this instructing, you will now be made aware of what the issue is, so that you can easily resolve the problem and instruct this manually. 

Landlords, contractors and external users can now report an issue without a reporting occupier attached

Although landlords, contractors and external users have always had the option to report issues on behalf of occupiers, they used to always need to include the occupier's details. However, they now have the ability to raise an issue without a reporting occupier.

If you have brands set up for your properties, the properties shown to an occupier will be limited to the properties under the brand they are on

In order for this to work you must have multiple brands set up on Fixflo and 'Uploaded properties only' turned on within your settings. 

If that's the case, when an occupier goes onto Fixflo, only the properties at the brand they are on will show when they are choosing their property. This is excellent for helping to keep your data clean.

Release Date 11/11/2021

Remember to remove assignments before you archive any agents on Fixflo

It's important to keep your data up to date on Fixflo  -this includes archiving agents when they leave the business. 

Before you archive agents you must ensure that you un-assign any properties, postcodes, landlords or issues from them. This will not be done automatically. In order to help you remember this, we have improved the wording on the pop up which appears when you archive an agent: 

Ability to revoke agreed to T&Cs

If you accept our T&Cs for either Fixflo Academy (click here to see more about this) or our SMS feature (click here to find out more), you can now revoke these any time. This can only be done by Administrator users (both accepting and revoking these T&Cs) as they sit under 'Setup' '> 'Settings' > 'T&Cs': 

Brand filtering on property search

You can now filter out by brand on your property search, if you have multiple brands set up on your Fixflo account. This can help you and your team be more granular when searching: 

Release Date 29/10/2021

Landlord overview of works planner - Lettings

We've just released the ability for you to provide a view of works planners to your clients! For Fixflo Professional users, via Setup > Settings > Planned maintenance, you have the ability to allow landlords to view the works planner at the properties associated to them, giving them the reassurance that all requirements are compliant:

Once the setting is in place, a landlord can click into 'My properties', into their property profile and the 'Works planner' tab to view the information:

Please note, the default for this setting will be switched to 'No',

Contractor statuses

We're aware that - when multiple quotes have been requested - it can be confusing having a few different contractor icons appear on a job. To help identify and differentiate what has happened with each profile, we're rolling out contractor-specific statuses, which you can see if you click on any contractor icon within a job:

These aren't yet visible to contractors, but will be soon - watch this space!

Release Date 13/10/2021

SMS alert for new comments

Great news - SMS alerts for comments are now here! If you have accepted SMS T&Cs within your Fixflo account, you will now have the option to send a comment to any relevant person and also alert them via SMS:

This is really useful should you need to get urgent messages to any party - at only 4p per SMS! For more information on SMS, please click here.

Tagging entities

We've recently introduced tags on issues (see more here), which meant exposing the tags themselves clearly on jobs. We really like what we did here, so have spent time to ensure tags across other entities are also displayed in a similar structure:

Just to let you know, you're able to tag all of the following: Buildings, Units, Properties, Issues, Contractors, Agents, Landlords, Leaseholders, Occupiers and External users.

Brands per property

Fixflo has a multiple brand feature (see more here), allowing you to have jobs coming into one system but be raised at various URLs for different brands. We've further developed this capability so that individual properties can be branded as necessary, meaning communication for these is accurate:

Release Date 29/09/2021

New SMS notification to your occupiers

To help you keep your occupiers in the loop, we have added a new SMS notification (please remember that text messages now cost 4p per text, rather than 6p). 

This new notification can be turned on to let your occupiers know when you instruct the works onto a contractor - this allows them to know that you have progressed the issue and are waiting for a contractor to resolve the job further. This will give your occupiers peace of mind that their issue has been passed on.

Notifications can be amended by Administrator users only. To view and change these, simply click on 'Setup' > 'Settings' > 'Notifications'. To amend your occupier notifications, you will need to open up 'Occupier notification defaults'. Please remember to press 'Save' if you make any changes. 

Release Date 15/09/2021

Ability to bulk unassign properties

We've added the ability to bulk unassign properties, should you ever need to simply remove assignment completely. Simply keep the option as 'Unassigned' and hit 'Save':

Block & BTR only

Landlord, Director and Leaseholder works planner overview

We understand that you may want to provide real-time oversight to your clients - either landlords or leaseholders - so they can see the hard work you're doing to ensure their property or building remains compliant against relevant legislation. As such, we've built the functionality to allow landlords, directors and/or leaseholders to view the works planner for their building(s):

Once the relevant permissions are switched on via Setup > Settings, the end-user can click into 'My buildings' to view the works planner when necessary:

Please note, the default for this setting will be switched to 'No'. 

Release Date 03/09/2021

Notify all parties about planned maintenance certificates

You can now easily keep parties such as landlords and occupiers in the loop when a planned maintenance event is completed by sending them the certificate. 

This will help you to show your compliance and is automated- meaning that you won't need to remember to share certificates each time a planned maintenance issue is completed. 

You will need to ensure that the 'Certificate documents view permissions' are ticked on the service events you would like this for. Please note that you will need to be an Administrator user to make this amendment. To do this simply click on 'Planned maintenance' > 'Event templates'. You will need to click into each event template to check and amend the view permissions. Please remember to click 'Save' if you make any changes. 

Once this is set you can then ensure that each party receives an email with this certificate, making them aware of this. 

To turn on the notification you will need to be an Administrator user and click on 'Setup' > 'Settings' on your left hand menu side bar. From here you will want to click on the 'Notifications' tab, scroll down to the correct user, open up their notifications and then set the email notification to 'Send'. Again, please remember to press 'Save' so that these changes save. 

The notification will then be sent out as shown below once the service event is marked as complete: 

UI changes on closed issues

More information is now shown on the 'Next steps' tab of closed issues, making it easier for you if you click on a closed issue: 

Block & BTR only

Building notifications can now be sent as an SMS message

This is a fantastic offering for your occupiers and leaseholders as you can now send a building notification as an SMS. We have recently decreased the price of SMS messages from 6p per text to 4p. 

To send this you will need to select that you would like to send the SMS as a text as well as an email, meaning that these notifications are more likely to be seen. 

Release Date 18/08/2021

Contractor App improvements

We've been working hard in the background on multiple improvements to the Fixflo Contractor App - and we're almost ready to launch! All of your contractors who have the app will receive a push notification to alert them when the new version is launched, providing them with clearer usability and improved functionality. Watch this space - coming soon to iOS and Android app stores.

Issue tags displayed more openly

Issue tagging is useful to group, categorise and report on data. Tags are exposed at issue level underneath the issue title, and other places where you can see information about issues, such as via 'Issue search':

This provides you with information at a glance.

Comment notification emails

When working in Fixflo, it's common to send and receive comments on a regular basis. To aid in a tidy inbox outside of the system, we've added the functionality to opt-out of comment notification emails entirely, allowing you to simply work within Fixflo:

This can be amended at agency level via 'Setup', or on an individual agent level within each profile. Do remember to keep an eye on unread comment dashboard panels, and/or the alert above your name so nothing is missed!

Same occupier at multiple properties

To aid use-cases for commercial tenants, we have removed the requirement for a single occupier profile (email address) to be linked to a single property. Instead - should you have a company or occupier renting multiple properties - simply create a second profile with their email address, and enter a unique external reference to the profile. This allows you to register them at multiple addresses as necessary.

Release Date 04/08/2021

Email notification options

We've added some extra email notification options for you, in case you wanted to switch these off. Administrator users will be able to view and amend these settings, by clicking on 'Setup' > 'Settings' and clicking on 'Notifications':

This means that you now have more control over which emails are sent to yourselves and other parties.

Quote request details will now show on the emails to the contractors

If you request quotes from your contractors and you add request details, these will now show on the emails to contractors, so that this information is not missed. 

Issue changes will be emailed onto the contractor 

There are occasions where you will make changes to a job, for example you may extend the quotation period for a contractor. They will now receive an email to let them know - improving communication between you and your contractors.

Release Date 22/07/2021

New dashboard tiles

We've added some shiny new dashboard tiles for you! You may recognise the 'Issue status' or 'Issues requiring attention, by status' titles, but we've now configured these using the bubbles that we know clients love, so we think they're a great addition!

Do remember that you can stretch the tile out so it's larger, displaying more information! 

Bulk amend the assigned contractor on service events

There may be instances where you need to amend which contractor is due to be awarded works via the planned maintenance feature. For example, if your gas engineer retires, you'll need to update all of the events due to instruct to them! Fixflo Professional users now have the ability to bulk change the assigned contractor on service events. Via planned maintenance > service events, filter the events as necessary (Pending, for the relevant template and contractor), and then use the 'Options' button to bulk assign contractor:

This will apply the changes to the selected events, as well as the subsequent events in the series if no end date is specified. Please note, this will not update the contractor on any issues that have already been created - just pending service events.

Issue tags are here!

You now have the functionality to tag issues! Previously, 'tagging' only existed at property and end user level, but you can now do this for issues too. For example, if you wanted to tag all of your 'major works' jobs, simply use the 'Add tag' button on the issue, write your tag and hit save:

The tag will then remain displayed on the issue underneath the address:

Via Issues > Issue search, you have the ability to filter jobs by tag, and if you have the multi-dashboard feature, you can also create custom dashboard tiles displaying your tagged searches!

There are plenty of other use cases you may wish to apply tags to, e.g. for works at void properties, or tags for specific regions - do let us know if you need any help!

No longer supporting IE10

This one is more of a heads-up to you all, as we are planning on dropping formal support for IE10 (Internet Explorer 10). We firmly believe that clients should get the best out of Fixflo, and using out-of-date browsers such as IE10 is not the best way to achieve this. 

We'd recommend upgrading to the latest and final Internet Explorer version (11), or better yet, changing your browser to Google Chrome.


Contractor reviews revamped

Everyone likes a makeover once in a while, so why not this section?! We've spent some time sprucing up the 'Reviews' tab within a contractor profile, and reviews will now show with the most recent first. 


Release Date 12/07/2021

Keep your occupiers better updated with maintenance issues

When maintenance issues are instructed onto a contractor you can now send your occupiers an email regarding this job.

This email can be configured by Administrator users via 'Setup' > 'Settings' > 'Notifications' under the 'Occupier notification defaults' area:

This is a fantastic way to keep your occupiers in the loop for your issues, letting them know that a contractor has now been awarded the job and that the issue will be progressed shortly! 

Sharing service event certificates with other users

For Fixflo Professional users, the ability to display certificates on planned works is now here! This is set up at the Event Template level, and will be switched on to share with the relevant parties on statutory events, such as Gas Safety Certificates. 

Please find an example below: 

Once the job is marked as complete by the contractor and the certificate document is uploaded, if the view permissions are on, for example for an occupier, then they will have the ability to view the documentation on their side of Fixflo:

Improved merging of properties

Multiple properties can now be merged under one single property, making it even easier for you and your team to keep your property data tidy. 

If you find that you have many duplicates of your properties then you can now easily tidy this up using the tick boxes to merge properties in bulk, saving you time!

Please click here to view a guide on the address search options and how you can avoid duplicate properties from being created. 

Displaying issues at unit/property level

You will have noticed that the 'Issues' tab has been removed, and replaced with mini-panels via the 'Detail' tab of a property or unit instead:

This is in place to tidy up the tabs, and take you through to the central 'Issue search' location to display results. From here, you can use all the filters available to dive deeper into the data as necessary, such as amend to view both closed and open jobs:

Contractor app improvements

We have also made some improvements to our contractor app - this is a free app which contractors can download from the App Store or Google Play Store to manage works on the go. 

We have a brand new contractor app logo: 

This is also mirrored on the login screen:

The 'works due by date' will now appear on the app, so that your contractors have a better understanding of when the job should be completed by.

All health and safety documents added to an issue will now show to contractors on the app so that nothing is missed. They will also have the ability to download these documents.  

Release Date 24/06/2021

Quotes management - uninvite and reinvite

When quotes are requested on a Fixflo issue, a ‘Quotes’ tab appears on the job. We’ve now added extra functionality to this tab, giving you the ability to uninvite contractors when necessary, and also re-invite contractors if they previously declined to quote, or were previously uninvited:

This streamlines the process and allows you to correct previous actions when necessary. 

Quotes management - progressing quotes at ‘Quotes requested’ status

To streamline the quoting process, we’ve removed the need to ‘End request for quotes’ before sending quotes for approval or awarding jobs. As such, if 3 out of 4 contractors have provided their quotes and you’re keen to progress with getting these approved, simply use the ‘Request quote approval’ option, select the quote(s) you’d like approved and progress the job from there:

Taking this action will progress the issue, and remove the ability for the final contractor to provide any quotations. 

Contractor invoice and cost options displayed on job instruction

We’ve added the ability to select contractor invoice and cost options on a per-job basis! This is useful if you have any jobs whereby the property/unit is under warranty and don’t require an invoice:

Simply select the options as necessary, and proceed to instruct the works. Please note that these will default to the settings within Setup > Settings. 

Filtering issues by property or building tag

You can now search for issues by property or building tag, helping you to find all issues under a group of properties or buildings

Release Date 09/06/2021

Related occupiers setting on Planned Maintenance issues

We have added a setting on event templates to show/not show related occupiers to contractors on the detail tab of Planned Maintenance issues. We've also added the ability to edit this setting on open issues. This helps to better include occupiers in planned works. This helps to better include occupiers in planned works.


Require costs additional option 

We’ve added a dropdown under ‘Setup -> Settings -> General -> Require costs’ with the option to add or remove costs for contractors.

Change agent initials

You now change your initials that appear on the dashboard so you can differentiate between agents with the same initials. This can be changed by clicking ‘Agent’ then selecting the initials badge.

Release Date 27/05/2021

Bulk actions for service events - instruction interval

You can now amend the instruction date interval on a series of service events (eg. EICRs), meaning that you can now ensure these are instructed to contractors with plenty of time to carry out the work.

We've added an option within Planned maintenance -> Service events -> Options called 'Bulk set interval'. Using this allows you to select either all or specific events on the page and update the instruction interval.

New icon UI

We've refreshed the icons within the system, both on the left-hand navigation and on issues. They're newer, clearer and bolder than before. Do note that no functionality has changed, just the icons.

Compliance matrix search UI enhancements - more clear when filtering

We’ve made some improvements to the compliance matrix search UI filters - the labels and options are now clearer and offer improved clarity.

Block & BTR only

Compliance Matrix Compliance summary 

Under ‘Planned Maintenance’ > ‘Compliance Summary’, you now have a clear and simple view of your building and unit-level compliance across buildings, so that you can easily understand your entire compliance picture.

You can now filter buildings by estate/property, manager and understand how compliant these buildings are both for unit level and building level service programmes (rather than flick through the matrixes).

Co-pilot filter additions: Communal & under warranty 

We’ve added 2 extra filters to Co-pilot, these are ‘Is communal’ and ‘Has warranty’.  On Co-pilot, you can now automate communal issues and private issues differently, so that different actions can be carried out for issues at properties under warranty and issues at buildings under warranty. The ‘Has warranty’ filter enables you to automatically notify/instruct the appropriate contractor on any property or block with a warranty. Warranty filter only available when the ‘warranty’ feature is enabled.

Added estate/block name to Purchase Order 

On Purchase Orders, under 'Property address', a line is now included with the relevant estate name, so that these can be matched appropriately for finance processes.

Warranty end date filter on blocks 

We've added a 'Warranty end date' filter to the 'Properties' block search

Release Date 13/05/2021

Introducing the issue type search filter 

We’ve added a new dropdown to the search issue page. Under ‘Issues’ > ‘Issue search’ > ‘Issue type’. Here you will now be able to search for ‘Remedial’ as an issue type on the ‘Issue type’ search dropdown. This is helpful as you can now search for remedial works separately from other issue types.

Service event due date

The service event due date displayed more prominently for agents & contractors on the ‘next steps’ tab. This ensures that you are reminded to close the associated issue on planned works in order to complete the event. It's also clearer to contractors when the works are due by in order to remain compliant.

You can now print your compliance matrix 

An option to Print/export to PDF will now appear at the top of the Planned Maintenance compliance matrix alongside CSV export. 

Included instruction notes in job awarded email to contractors

We've had a number of insights requesting instruction notes be included in the email to the contractor. We're happy to announce that contractors can now see the job instructions in their Job awarded email so that they can access all the information they need as quickly and easily as possible!

Service Event workflow - 'Complete event' button

The 'Complete event' button is now only available when a service event is in the correct state to be completed. Previously, if an associated issue was still open and an agent went to complete a service event, the 'Complete event' button was still available, this has now been fixed.

Release date 28/04/2021

New user role permission - 'Can edit co-pilot rules'

Co-pilot is a great feature that enables you to automate processes for specific issues. We're aware that you may not want each and every staff member to have the permission to edit the rules you have in place, so we've built this as a specific permission (guide here):

Please note that users will have this switched on as a standard setting unless you switch this off. 

Users without this permission will not have 'Co-pilot' as an option in their left-hand navigation bar, but will be able to see rules that trigger automations from within the 'Audit' tab of an issue when required.

Instruction note templates

It's important that the instruction notes to your contractors are clear, concise and accurate. In order to help streamline the process of writing these on a per-issue basis, we have built the ability to to create and store instruction note templates. Administrator users with access to Settings can find this within Content edit > Templates:

The relevant template can then be selected when instructing a job to a contractor:

Release date 19/04/2021

Planned maintenance issues - linking an occupier

Planned maintenance (Fixflo Professional only) allows you to set recurring events for the system to create jobs - this helps you keep on top of statutory requirements. Previous functionality meant that - if a setting was in place to provide contractors with occupier details - contractors could click to view a list of active occupier profiles at the property in order to arrange access.

While this functionality worked well, contractors often explained that it wasn't clear to them where to find occupier details. We've taken this feedback on board - as well as feedback from various agents - and have amended the process so that a planned maintenance issue will now raise with the most recently added occupier profile provided as the 'reporting' occupier to the contractor. This makes it clearer to them who to contact to arrange access, and a smoother process all-round!

Comments with signatures - move the cursor!

It was annoying - when clicking into a comment text box - that the cursor was at the end of the signature rather than at the top of the box. We've fixed this now so that when you click into the message to send a comment, you can start typing straight away!

Release date 06/04/2021

'Related' tab tweak

On an issue, the 'Related' tab can carry a lot of information - this includes other occupiers at the property, linked issues, interested people and more! We've spent a little bit of time tidying this up for you so it means less scrolling; simply select the entity you want and click to view:

Ability to filter service events by contractor

The Planned Maintenance module allows you to auto-instruct planned works to contractors. To aid in searching for events allocated to particular contractors - or those without contractors - we now have a new filter available within service event search:

In the roadmap we plan to build the ability to take bulk actions such as re-assigning contractors; watch this space!

Block and BTR feature:

Asset information displayed to contractors

Using assets in Fixflo allows you to effectively and confidently ensure that you get the most out of them for a return on financial investments. If assets on Fixflo are new to you, please check out our guide here. If you attach an asset to a Fixflo issue - either manually via the 'Related' tab or via Planned Maintenance - the contractor awarded the works now has access to the asset details on the issue:

This information is also provided on the job instruction email to the contractor.

Release date 04/03/2021

Comments tab

We've spent some time tidying up how the tab looks, to make it easier for you to understand who comments are sent to and from, display a larger volume without loading more, as well as to provide improved aesthetics of attachments. These are minor changes that should make your lives easier!

Contractor email invoice tool

We've further developed the contractor email invoice tool (guide here) to now pull out cost information from invoices! This means that costs will be entered into your Fixflo system, reading the tax information as necessary. For any clients who require costs, your contractors will no longer need to add these manually.

To confirm this has happened, an email will be sent to the contractor outlining the successful attachment of their invoice, while also providing the cost breakdown:

Ability to search for 'Unassigned' properties

The ability to assign properties to agents/teams means that you can notify the relevant people/person when maintenance issues are raised. Previously, you had to export your data set in order to identify properties that remain unassigned; we've now built the ability to filter this information within the product:

Additional issue filters

Via 'Issues' > 'Issue search', additional filters have been added to enable you to track what's been going on with your issues. For example, you now have the ability to filter by 'Close reason' within a given period, allowing you to track and monitor this easily:

For clients using the multi-dashboard feature, you can therefore create a saved search to track and report in real-time, for example: 

Block and BTR feature:

Searching for units by Leaseholder

Block managers have a new search filter at unit level for specific leaseholder profiles. This allows you to view all of the units owned by the relevant party at a quick glance:

Release date 18/02/2021

We have made some big improvements to your search bar!

You can now use the search bar in the top right hand corner of your screen more efficiently. 

You can use this to search for anytime, from issues, to properties through to your people on Fixflo. 

Use the drop down arrow on the right hand side of the search icon to filter out what/who it is you're looking for before you search:

Alternatively, simply search first and filter later: 

Icons have been added to the right hand side of the information to display whether you are being shown an issue, property, occupier, landlord, contractor, agent or external user. 

Happy searching!

Release date 04/02/2021

SMS messages are here!

Emails are great, but why not go a step further? We've now introduced SMS alerts to be sent to occupiers on various triggers, as well as to other users in your system!

For our comprehensive guide on this feature - including setup and FAQs - please click here.

Audit tab on a duplicated issue

Feedback was that the Fixflo audit is not clear when an issue has been created by duplication. We've taken this on board, and an issue now created via 'Actions' > 'Duplicate issue' will now display on the 'Audit' tab as follows: 

Updated privacy notice

For Fixflo customers in the European Union, we have updated our Privacy Notice for Customers to reflect that our Article 27 Representative Office in the European Union is JMW (IRELAND) 2021 LIMITED, Registered office: 6/7 Harcourt Terrace, Dublin 2, DUBLIN, Ireland.

Release date 12/01/2021

Promote section revamp!

Promoting Fixflo to your occupiers is essential to ensure that your Fixflo system is used to its full potential! This should be an ongoing process, so we've done some work to make the Promote section more intuitive and helpful:

Simply select the user group you're promoting to, download any of the useful documents at the top or use the tools available within the product, such as texting occupiers. In addition, you can scroll down and view any of our guides for further promotion techniques and tips!

We will soon be adding further user groups - such as contractors - within the Promote section; watch this space!

Occupier reminder email link prefilling data

One promotion tool we recommend you use is automated reminder emails to occupiers - check our short video-guide on this here. To make things even easier for occupiers, if they use the link on the email received to report a repair, their property and personal details will be auto-populated - neat! 

'Reminder email last sent' display

In order to identify when an occupier last received a reminder email from your system (either manually sent or automatic, see link above), we now display this information at the bottom of the occupier profile:

Block and BTR feature:

Exporting issues with full building details

We understand that it is important to be able to export issue information in order to report internally as required. Previously, exports did not include all building details, and the address format was bundled into one cell. We've now split this up into multiple columns, and provide full building information alongside unit data, allowing you to seamlessly report across multiple portfolios.

BTR agencies can now use AXA

If you have a BTR (Build-to-rent) front-end, you can now use AXA Emergency Services to instruct works to the contractor network. For more information, please refer to our guide here