Industry type - all

Available with - all

Please note this feature is only available within the Fixflo Manager package. Please contact our support team or your CSM if you're interested in upgrading your Fixflo subscription.

What are the main benefits of creating multiple dashboards?

  • Ability to have a clear and detailed oversight of each part of your repair and maintenance function 
  • Rather than having to change the filters on your existing dashboard e.g. from Reactive to Planned, or flicking between teams, you can create fixed dashboards for all of your reporting and tracking needs
  • Ensure that each person in your team has a dashboard that works best for them - you now have the ability to select and apply a particular dashboard as a new default to a specific person in your team
  • Include screenshots of your key dashboards in weekly or monthly updates to the wider business to show how things are tracking and highlight any successes or challenges that your team is experiencing

Some examples of different dashboards you could create

The possibilities are endless - you can create as many dashboards as you need to for different purposes based on your requirements but please find a few examples below that might be useful for visualising how you are going to use this feature.

  • Reactive vs. Planned: You could create one dashboard for reviewing and overseeing reactive repair management and one for planned maintenance issue tracking
  • Compliance Dashboard: An extension of the above, could be to create a compliance dashboard for tracking any overdue statutory requirements like Gas Certs, EPCs (Lettings/BTR) or Health & Safety, Fire Risk Assessments (Block/BTR) and any events that are awaiting review or up and coming so that you feel confident with how things are being managed
  • Management Dashboard: To provide an overview of key stats and trends such as number of reactive issues reported over time, total overdue service events, total issues requiring attention etc
  • Team Dashboards: If you have different teams within your property management function, you could create a dashboard that allows you to have an overview of how each team is performing
  • Contractor Certification Dashboard: If you are using our contractor certification feature you can create a dashboard that gives you a count of how many contractors have valid certificates, are not compliant, are about to have a cert expire and any that are awaiting validation to help the person/people in your team manage this process as efficiently as possible
  • Client/Landlord Specific Dashboards: If you have specific clients/landlords that you do regular reporting for, or are high profile and you need to get a snapshot view of their portfolio at any time, you can create client specific dashboards
  • Contractor Specific Dashboards: If you have a few key contractors that you want to track more closely, you can create a contractor monitoring dashboard to see the status of their particular jobs, how busy they are and where potential bottlenecks are occurring
  • SLA Dashboards: If you have purchased our SLAs module, we strongly recommend creating an SLA dashboard that tracks breaches of SLAs by agent/team and by issue priority so that you can better measure the performance of your team/contractors 
  • Multiple Brand Dashboards: If you have purchased and are using our multiple brands feature, you are able to create dashboards for each of your businesses brands/branches so that each team/manager has oversight of their own portfolio

How to create multiple dashboards

Your first step to launching this feature is creating a brand new dashboard to create and build on. To do this, you will need to 'Create new dashboard':

You will then need to:

  1. Give your dashboard a name (please ensure this is clear and makes sense when selecting from a drop down list)
  2. Provide some 'Help text' about what this dashboard is to be used for and its purpose
  3. Decide whether the dashboard is 'Shared' or 'Private'. Private means that only you can access this dashboard. Shared means that anyone who has the permission 'Can select dashboard' is able to view this.

To find out how to create custom saved searches to build up your range of dashboard tiles, click here.