There will always be times when occupiers call you to report maintenance issues. You can now send your occupiers a link which they can click on to access your Fixflo site, helping you to turn phone calls into Fixflo reports. 

On the top left hand corner of your Fixflo site you will see a symbol which looks like a little paper airplane: 

If you have an occupier call you to report a maintenance issue, you can log into your Fixflo site and click on the paper airplane. For Fixflo Essential and Fixflo Professional users, if you are in the middle of a workflow then do not worry, the system will keep you where you are, you will not lose your place. 

When you click on the airplane you will see the pop up below: 

You will need to ask the occupier for their email address and then type this into the 'Email address' field and then press 'Send':

The email will then be sent to the occupier immediately: 

The occupier email will look similar to this, but will be branded with your logo, company name and colour scheme: 

The occupier will need to simply click on 'Report your issue' which will take them straight to your Fixflo site where they will be able to report maintenance issues: