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Co-pilot allows you to create rules that can automate the following actions: requesting quotes, instructing works or notifying an agent or specific email address when an issue is reported. It’s up to you when these rules run - set them according to issue type reported, property postcode or for a specific time period only.
As an example: You could set up a rule that automatically instructs works to a specified contractor when an occupier reports that their gas boiler is broken on a Saturday or Sunday out of office hours.
If you wish to edit who does and doesn't have the ability to change Co-Pilot rules, you can read this article here.
Setting up Rules
1. First of all go to the Co-Pilot main menu:
2. Click on 'Add New Rule' from the top right.
Either pick and amend one of our templates, or add an empty rule and customise:
3. Give your rule a name.
Make sure it clearly states what the purpose of the rule is, so it is easy to tell from a glance. For example:
4. Now it's time to set up some filters!
Simply click on the below option to do this.
5. Choose an option - fault, location, or time.
You can set up rules with any combination of these.
Just as an example, we're going to make a rule where:
- A gas or electric boiler has been reported as not working.
- The report has come through outside of your opening hours.
Select 'Fault' to choose the applicable issues - you can select as many options as you need and the faults are identical to your fault tree to make it even easier to find what you're after!
Here, both gas and electric boilers are selected.
Press 'Ok' and this will create your first filter.
6. Now lets add the second filter.
For this one, we're going to select the 'Time' filter.You can then specify the applicable times - for example every weekday between 6pm and 9am as well as the weekends. To do this you will need to click and drag to select the hours you want.This will show highlighted in blue.Once this is done press 'Ok' to save this filter.7. Time to set up an Action!
Now that we have set up two filters, we can add the action we want to occur when this criteria is met. Click on the below option to get started.
8. Pick an option.
From here, you can request quotes, instruct works, or set up a notification.
For this example, we've selected 'Instruct works'.
You can then:
- Pick the contractor you want to allocate works to.
- Set a works authorisation limit for the job type.
- Add any instructions notes.
Press 'OK' to save the filter.
9. Press 'Save' to setup this rule.
You will now see any filters and actions you have set up.
All you need to do now is 'Enable' the rule whenever you want it to go live. You will know that the rule is enabled when the slide has gone green.
Note: Rules are checked top down - only the first rule to match will run, so make sure they're in order!
It's also worth mentioning that when setting up your rules, if you choose the 'Notify' option, you'll have the option of attaching a brief message to go along with them if needs be (below).