Industry type - all

Available with - Essentials

Co-Pilot allows you to create as many custom rules as you need to automate and streamline your repair and maintenance process.

Below are some examples where Co-Pilot can be a really useful tool - we hope these are useful!

1. Instruct all non-technical jobs to your DIY contractor automatically.

Auto-instruct issues for faults to do with furniture, internal doors, lighting, keys/access issues etc. to a contractor with a works authorisation limit automatically. This is useful if you have a single handy-man who completes all of these jobs, or does so at properties within a certain area!

2. Request quotes automatically for certain issues (particularly useful for specialist contractors).

For instance, broken windows: automatically ‘Request Quotes’ from your glazier so that when you first click into the issue you are presented not only with the problem but also the solution in the form of a submitted quote.

3. Notifications: With Co-pilot you can be really specific with what you want to be notified about.

If you manage a set of properties within specific postcodes,  get notified outside of office hours of any ‘lock’ issues for your patch only.

4. Notify landlords

If you have certain landlords who specify they want to be notified for all repairs at their properties, set up a notification rule specific to them! For more information, check out the guide here.

5. Notify all occupiers when a planned maintenance issue is raised.

If you have multiple occupiers at a property, you can set up a co-pilot rule to notify all of them, rather than just the 'reporting occupier', when an issue is raised from a service event.