Industry type - Lettings

Available with - Professional
For a short video guide on how to import planned works, please click here.

Planned Maintenance is an important module in Fixflo, allowing agencies to accurately implement planned works, both statutory and non-statutory. If the planned maintenance module is new to you, do check out our short video guides here which outline how to use it.

It is also possible to import Service Events into your Fixflo account, applying these against specific properties. This will require you to export your property information from your Fixflo in order to accurately map the events against the correct property; this can be done via Properties > Options > Export as Import CSV.

Once you have exported your property information, please copy and paste it into the relevant columns on the template found at the bottom of this guide

We will also need the following required information:

  • Event template name (choose from the drop-down menu)
  • Event series start date
  • Event frequency (number) and frequency type (Weeks/Months/Years)
  • Offset period / instruction period (number) and type (Days/Weeks/Months/Years)
  • Event last completed date (leave blank if you want the data to show as not currently compliant)
  • Whether landlord approval is required for the service programme - guide here
    • PlannedMaintenanceEventRequiresLandlordApproval - TRUE/FALSE
    • ServiceEventApprovalInteralTime - enter a number
    • ServiceEventApprovalInteralTimeType - Days/Months/Weeks

The following information is optional:

  • Event series end date
  • Contractor company name (if auto-instructing)
  • The ServiceEventCostCode if required (please note this must already exist in your system via Setup > Agency cost codes)
  • Event reviewer (agent email address)
  • Whether the event requires a review or not (True/False) - the suggested setting is True

Within the template, the column titles will have tooltip explanations to guide you as to how the data should look. However, please also find a brief explanation of some of the headers below:

Sending us data

Due to GDPR, we have implemented a secure way of sending us the above file to ensure that your data is safe at all times.

When your data is ready, please log in to Fixflo and go to Setup > Imports (Administrator users only):

Then you need to click on Import new data > Choose File. Select the file you wish and then press 'Upload'.

This will allow us to access your data and we can then make sure it is imported correctly for you. Please allow up to 5 working days for us to complete the import and get back to you. If you've not heard from us within 5 days, please about the status of your import to our support team.