There are a number of ways that allow you to track when one of your Co-Pilot rules has been applied to an issue.

The first thing to note is that this will be included in the audit trail of an issue:

It will have 'Automation' under 'Type' so you can easily tell that this has been automated by a rule. 

You can easily view which rule was activated by clicking on the 'View rule' hyperlink which take you to the rule.

Secondly, you can go to any of your individual rules that you have setup and see a history of all issues the rule has been applied to.

The 'Hit Count' will tell you how many times in total the rule has been applied.

You can then click on the arrow button to 'View History'.

This will show you a list of all issues, and have a clickable IS number making it easy for you to find any particular issue.