Industry type - Block, BTR and Commercial

Available with - All
For a short introduction to the Qube PM <> Fixflo integration (setup and how it works), check out the PDF at the bottom of the page

If an issue is reported via Fixflo, we use webhooks to push this information through to Qube. Qube maps the information we pass through to the right place - either as a call in Qube PM, or in Maintenance Manager.

Qube acts as your central data point for all property information - please ensure to always update records in Qube and not Fixflo:

- Buildings and units
- Landlords
- Leaseholders and residents
- Suppliers/contractors
- Cost codes

Properties from Qube PM will be limited to the property types listed in the configuration (by slot number) and also be limited by lifespan period.

- Units of a property will be limited to the unit types listed in the configuration (by slot number) and also be limited by lifespan period.
- Tenants for a unit will be limited to tenants with a current status and also be limited by commenced and terminate dates.
- Alternative addresses will be processed as tenants, limited by alternative address types listed in the configuration (by ID) and also by start and end dates.
- Suppliers in the Purchase Ledger are ticked for sending to Fixflo 'Send to Fixflo'.
- All suppliers that are not locked for invoice posting, or limited by approved date (activated by a checkbox 'No new invoice to accounts with expired approval') will be processed. 

Cost Codes can also be synced from version V11. You can also set how often a sync occurs between both systems in regards to making sure updates made in Qube (e.g. changing a contractor email address, adding a new property) are pushed through to Fixflo. Most clients opt for a nightly sync.

Issue syncing:

Once the issue is closed in Fixflo, it will sync across to Qube in the status of 'Closed', and the invoice PDF (if attached by the contractor), final Issue PDF and costs (if entered) will go through to Purchase Ledger > Invoice Register. 
All of this can be amended and mapped different in Qube (e.g adding service charge numbers or account details) - any approval workflows you have set up will still be applicable:

Do liaise with your Account Manager at MRI to set up your preferred purchase ledger workflows. This will ensure all invoices and job costs are synced correctly to your preference. If you require assistance with this, we recommend contacting your AM or the MRI Support Team via your MRI portal

To prevent jobs that have no associated costs/invoices from going into the Purchase Ledger, you can adapt the workflow in Qube PM to review details of the invoice:
- Does the status equal Fixflo?
- Is the invoice value zero?
- Does the invoice reference start with IS?

If the answers are 'Yes' to all of the above, you can set up a routine that automatically puts the details of the 'invoice' on a custom tab and deletes the 'invoice' from the register. 

What the integration does not do:

- Push through your landlord/client details (this will need to be done manually via an import into Fixflo)
- Push through any property assignment, e.g. PMs assigned to specific buildings. This will need to be done manually via an import into Fixflo
- Push through any notes stored against entities in Qube PM
- Sync assets or planned maintenance records or events
- No financials are synced apart from final invoice details (no anticipated or estimated costs are synced on job instruction)
- The majority of data is not automatically archived in Fixflo when archived in Qube; this includes buildings, units, occupiers and suppliers. If you need to archive a large data set in Fixflo, please contact our support team for assistance.

Checking whether issues have been synced between systems

1) On each Fixflo issue there is an audit trail. Qube PM uses webhooks to get the information from Fixflo and put it into the correct place in Qube PM.

2) You can check these webhooks on issues to see if they were successful in syncing the issue across initially, and on job closure to see if the invoice has been synced across too. This is all on the 'Audit' tab of a Fixflo issue.

3) There is also the availability to review Webhook actions in bulk (Adminstrator profiles only); this can be done via Integrations > Webhooks > Click on the Qube PM Webhook. You will see a list of all activities and can filter to see if any have failed. If any have, you can click on Response and raise a support ticket with the MRI support team so they can investigate the issue.

Data structure

The Qube PM data structure / terminology works as follows:

  • Owner = Landlord in Fixflo
  • Property = Building in Fixflo
  • Unit = Unit in Fixflo
  • Tenant = Leaseholder or Occupier in Fixflo

For a comprehensive break-down of the Field Mapping between Fixflo and Qube PM, please click here.