Industry type - all

Available with - All

The below document outlines the complaints process for works completed via the Contractor Marketplace for any Network Contractor.

Our commitment:

We are committed to listening to customers' comments and complaints regarding the services provided via the Contractor Marketplace, intending to resolve any issues raised, as well as improve the quality of service provided.

We will show this commitment by ensuring the complaints process is:

- Easy to access and understand

- Responsive to the reasonable needs of complainants

- Proportionate to the matters complained about

- Adhered to by all network contractors

- Reviewed by the Head of Support and Network Manager on an annual basis

When a Contractor Network or Fixflo Staff Member responds to complaints, you can expect them to:

- Take your concerns seriously

- Be factually correct

- Answer all points of concern

- Provide reasons for the decision made

What is a complaint?

A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction with the service provided by one of the Contractor Networks, that requires a response or further action from them or on their behalf. 

As such, the Network Contractor themselves will be required to review the complaint within the Fixflo system and provide a response before the Fixflo team intervenes further.

Our procedure:

A person wishing to make a complaint must follow the below procedure chronologically. This provides the framework for all parties to have a say about the situation at hand, and offers opportunities to resolve the complaint at multiple stages.

1) Registering the complaint

All complaints must be registered within the Fixflo system using the 'Comments' tab on the job in question.

Please provide as much information as possible in the content of the comment, outlining why the service complaint needs a review. 

This allows:

- The relevant Contractor Network to receive the complaint using a process they are used to
- A full audit of when messages and sent and received
- Transparency of complaint content for all parties

2) Allowing time for an adequate response

The SLA for complaint acknowledgment for Networks using the service is 5 working hours. From acknowledgment, a resolution is targeted within one working day.

It is anticipated that a chunk of complaints will be resolved from this point. However, if your complaint is not resolved, please follow step three.

3) Escalating the complaint

Should the complaint need further escalation, please raise a ticket with our support team with the following information:

1) Your name and company name

2) Issue number(s) the complaint is related to
3) Confirm that you have used the Comments tab to register the complaint. Please note the Fixflo team will check this.

4) Outline why the response provided by the Network has not been deemed satisfactory.

Once the Fixflo Support team acknowledges your complaint (SLA of 5 working hours), they will escalate internally via the Network Manager. Again, a resolution SLA of one working day is targeted.