Industry type - all

Available with - All

Regardless of the user profile type you have (landlord/contractor/agent/occupier etc), it is simple to change your Fixflo password if need be.

If you are logged out and need to change it, you can click on Forgot your password? to request a password reset link to your email address:

If you don't receive a password reset email, it could be that your email address is not registered with Fixflo - please reach out to your agency to confirm.

If you are already logged in and wish to change your password, simply click on your name in the top left-hand corner  and click on 'View profile':

Within 'View profile', scroll to the bottom and select the 'Change password' button:

You will now be taken to a new page that will allow you to change your password. To do this you'll need to enter your current password as well as the new password you would like to use. After you've done this, click the 'Save password' button.